April 10th, 2021 USAG and Taaf Meet
Info Below:
General Info:
1) Parents will not be able to enter the facility until their athlete’s open stretch begins.
2) We will have a side exit and a separate room for awards to control traffic flow out of the building between sessions
3) Texas Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine will have ATCs on site for any injuries.
4) Entrance fee’s can be paid via Credit Card or Cash
Covid Policies
1) Face Masks (not shields) will be required for all spectators, judges, and coaches at all times when not actively eating or drinking. We will strictly be enforcing this.
2) Temperature checks will be taken at the door for everyone. Anyone with a temperature over 100.4 will not be allowed entry.
3) All spectators must complete our Covid Screening Form at the time of their arrival – it isn’t done prior. This will be done via their smart phone’s camera scanning an image and then completing a quick, 30 second online form. They will be given a wristband to wear at all times indicating they have completed the form.
4) We are not limiting the number of spectators per athlete, and instead have spaced out our sessions more. Please explain to parents this is why our entrance times will be strictly enforced.
5) We will be reminding parents to socially distance their family groups throughout the meet.
6) We will be spray sanitizing all surfaces between sessions.