Given the updated phases released by Governor Abbot, Birons new estimated re-open date for limited competitive athletes will be May 18th. Details of this open, the restrictions, and policies required will be released as we get closer to that date and have more information from the state and local health departments and their required policies and practices.
It should be noted, no gymnastics or cheer facility is allowed to be open for ANY gymnastics or cheer instruction in Houston right now. If you know of another gym allowing classes or privates, they are in violation of the State’s closure mandate. Birons will not violate this mandate and risk the health of our students and their families simply to ‘compete’ with a gym which chooses to do so. No exceptions are being made for this, and we appreciate your understanding on the matter.
Our tentative plan for reopening of regular classes will be in mid to late May. We will keep you posted via email, social media, and more.